The Twister vape kit comes with a 5-pack of coils designed for the Fireluke 2 tank. Choose from 0.15 ohms or 0.2 ohms for single, dual, or triple cores.
The X1 coils are single mesh coils designed to handle 40 to 90 watts and have a 0.15 ohm resistance. The X2 are dual-mesh coils with a resistance of 0.2 ohm and a 40–80 watt range. Finally, the X3 is a triple core mesh coil with a 0.15ohm resistance and can be vaped between 50 and 90 watts.
Resistance: 0.2Ω or 0.15Ω Cotton wicking and flax.
Designed to be used in the Fireluke 2 tank with the Freemax Twister kit.
Warning : This product contains nicotine which is a highly addictive substance