Slurricane shortfill e-liquid by Ruthless is a tropical fruit blend with a rich, ripe taste. Initially, you’ll taste juicy guava, followed by a refreshing mix of peach and papaya, creating a sweet and tangy flavour experience.
This fantastic vape juice flavour has a concentration ratio of 60% VG (vegetable glycerine) and 40% Mixed PG (propylene glycol), together with premium food flavourings. It is a nicotine-free e-liquid shortfill, so it complies with all TPD guidelines and regulations. The ideal combination for vaping at sub-ohms!
A 120ml chubby gorilla bottle with 100ml of 0mg nicotine e-liquid is used to package the Ruthless e-liquid line. This means you have 20ml of empty space left over for your selected strength nic injection. Including two 18 mg nicotine shots will cause
superior quality 120ml vaping e-liquid with a 3mg strength.
Profile of Flavour:
Papaya Peach with Guava
Warning : This product contains nicotine which is a highly addictive substance